Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Social Media Case Reflection 1

               I find it interesting to see what catches fire on social media and what does not. It seems like many people like dramatic stories. It is merely what people find entertaining. I guess that is why we have social media programs, to keep us entertained. In this Kilroy bar & grill experience it is unfortunate how viral it went for the poor hairdresser, but it was good to see the manager supporting his employees. It even went to the point where people who read about this situation online went and would write reviews on the page where the lady worked who complained about not being helped. When I searched for where this lady worked, the first thing that popped up was warning that the selected page was going through a “clean up” due to the recent involvement in the news. I had never seen that before and it portrayed the seriousness of this event. I did not spend too much time on the website to read the reviews, because they had most likely been taken off by now thanks to that warning at the beginning. It had nothing to do with where this lady worked. However, people were so enraged with how she reacted to the situation she was in. People wanted this lady fired from her job. Now that is a little much. We are not all perfect, and we do a lot of dumb things. These people posting were most likely NOT at the bar that New Year’s Eve night. This lady may have just been having a “bad” New Year’s Eve, and nobody wants to have a “bad” night before they start the New Year. How do you expect to have a good year, when the night leading to the New Year is terrible?             
               I did like how supportive people were for Chris Burton (the manager) who responded to the Facebook post of the disappointed customer. The scenario was seen very differently even by those in the same bar. Situations like this occur ALL the time, maybe not the same situation, but similar. People get upset over little things when they are not being “catered” to. Mr. Burton realized that there was a MUCH bigger problem here. A woman’s life was on the line, and his employee’s and himself did whatever they could to get this lady the medical care she needed. He explains it wonderfully in the message back to the disappointed customer. He probably could have stated a few things differently in my opinion, but his point was made. This response stood out and many people were happy the manager “put her in her place” according to a comment on Many other people commented and mentioned other places where a similar situation occurred. What made this one get so popular? Social media people “sharing” the experience on their feeds, and giving feedback/their opinion on the situation.
                This could have been talked about even more by the public if it was someone of a different race. What if the person having a heart attack was a different race? Or the person complaining? Or even the manager? How much more publicity would it have received? It all falls back onto what’s going on in the world that day or how people are feeling. It could have been little to no concern for some people most days, but the information just caught them on the “wrong” day.
                Another thing to think about was the situation they were in, where they were, what they were doing, and why. The majority of people go to a bar to drink alcohol. Some may say that would impair someone’s judgement. However, when you are intoxicated you are usually well aware of someone who is in dire need of medical attention. So that is not an excuse to act in a certain way when it comes to a life or death situation.
                The Kilroy bar & grill manager did a tremendous job in supporting his employees. The lady who was offended for not being “catered” to could have gone about it in a different way. If you do not want things to blow up, do not post it on social media sites unless you know the full story. I understand it is a lot easier just to post something than actually confronting someone about it, but just know the consequences for that. Anything posted on social media is going to get criticism of some sort. You may not think it is a big deal personally, but someone in the world might.

If you are interested about the readings here are a few links to where I found some information

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