Wednesday, January 27, 2016


               I have been interested in what blogging exactly was and why people do it. In the first article I read it mentions what the word blog actually meant. It is a mixture between the word “web” and “log”. Just knowing that simple definition made it more clear. It is a log of thoughts and writing posted publicly on the World Wide Web. It used to be known as a Web log, but quickly switched over to the word blog.
                It seems that blogs are a lot more personal. In some ways it is considered an online diary. A blog is usually very personal and tends to be about what the individual likes, their experiences, family, etc. A diary or a journal is typically made for others to read in the future. A blog makes it instant. Once you upload the blog or create it, it is opened to everyone on the Web. Of course in your diary or journal you are going to be more personal/private, than you would be on a blog. However, it does help you get out the information you do want others to know.
                I wanted to see why people blog. I came across an article online “15 Reasons I Think You Should Blog”. It was very interesting to see why people do it. The main thing was that blogging just became a hobby. The writer mentions a few other hobbies they were interested in, but none of them brought them as much satisfaction as blogging. Blogging has changed their life and the way they live life, which I thought was very interesting, since I am new to this concept of blogging. I am more of an introvert I guess you could say, so having the world able to access my business did not seem to appealing. The writer does go on to explain 15 reasons why they think we should blog.
                The writer doesn’t say why we should blog, but explains how blogging has impacted his life. Blogging has been very educational for him. He mentions that blogging will help you improve your writing skills, help you become a better thinker, help you notice meaningful things in your life, and be able to live with more intent in your life. These first 4 things really stood out. What more do you want in a hobby? It improves your knowledge, and helps you gain a greater insight on who you are, and to care about the little things in life. I think if you get into blogging it could help you become a better person. I think you could inspire others to be a better person as well. Not just a better person in how you act/behave, but a happier person with more meaning in your life. I never thought about how influential blogging could be.
                I honestly think blogging could benefit many people, and not very many people are taking advantage of this opportunity. I think blogging will get more and more popular as time goes on, and it’s up to all the active bloggers to keep it going. Every person has a different aspect of life, and could help reach out to others with the same interests, that may have thought they were the only ones who would do something like that. So my advice to the bloggers new and old is blog on!

Below are the URL’s to the 2 online articles:

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